Canopy Tours Stories and Info

A virtual adventure through New Zealand’s lush biodiversity, hear about travel tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses of conservation efforts, Rotorua Gems to discover, and plenty more!

Spring in Rotorua is stunning - flowers displaying their bright, radiant petals and the trees blossoming. The weather is getting warmer and the days are...
There are plenty of things to do in Rotorua on a rainy day, some activities are actually better to do when it’s wet! Check them...
In October 2015 Canopy Tours invested in a new range of automated traps from Goodnature. Ready for phase 2 of the conservation programme....
In October 2016 after months of hard work the Rotorua Canopy Tours team implemented phase three of their pest trapping programme....
June 2017 – The Canopy Tours made a plan and got ready to head out into the forest to complete Phase 4 of the forest...
Rotorua Canopy Tours and Wingspan joined forces to release a rehabilitated ruru into the Dansey Road Scenic Reserve....

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