Canopy Tours Stories and Info

A virtual adventure through New Zealand’s lush biodiversity, hear about travel tips, behind-the-scenes glimpses of conservation efforts, Rotorua Gems to discover, and plenty more!

22 May 2018 - We have had confirmation that we have spotted and photographed one of New Zealand's least known and rarely seen lizards!...
Have you ever wondered what adventures your gold card could unlock for you? Check a few top suggestions below....
PR is a great way to get your brand out there but it can be overwhelming and hard to know where to start. So, here...
Top tips to transform from being a boss to becoming a leader. By Paul Button, General Manager of Rotorua Canopy Tours,...
Our original labour-intensive method of trapping pests in the Dansey Road Scenic Reserve wasn’t a viable long-term solution, so we went back to the drawing...
In 2013 after running the zipline tour for a year they had saved up $35,000 which was enough money to get started on their conservation...

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